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Wind Chime / Tranquil Rain  - 37"
Wind Chime / Tranquil Rain  - 37"

Wind Chime / Tranquil Rain - 37"

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Wind Chime / Tranquil Rain  - 37"
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    This Wind Chime / Tranquil Rain is handcrafted from an Amish Craftsman in Northern Indiana.Every Wind Chime / Tranquil Rain comes with a (Lifetime Mfg. Warranty).

Each Wind Chime / Tranquil Rain  is handcrafted from a high quality,hand tuned,and extruded aluminum powder coated tubing.

Each Wind Chime / Tranquil Rain is (Evergreen) colored,for chip resistance and color stability.  > Top and Clapper is made of a (Echo Friendly Poly-wood) – 100% recycled material that will not chip, crack or fade.  

The Wind Chimes / Tranquill Rain wind catcher is Aluminum and also Powder Coated. > The String is UV treated Polypropylene,is rated up to 100 lb. and has excellent abrasion resistance.  

A gentle breeze and these Wind Chimes / Tranquil Rain will create a musical treat for the ears. This hand tuned wind chime gives off a deep, soft and melodious  tone. It will take you too another world.

These handcrafted wind chimes have been created for total Relaxation and Meditation   

(Lifetime Mfg. Warranty) Size  8”W x 37”L  - 1.” Round tube 


Weight 10.0 lb
Price $99.00
Sale Price $89.00
Features Benefits
Amish handcrafted Quality - made in the U.S.A - Lifetime Mfg.Warranty