IF you are interested in trading links with us, please place a link from your site to our site first with the following info:
Title: Amish Furniture Crafts
Description: Online retailer offers a great selection of Amish handcrafted Wooden Crafts,Children Furniture,Planters and Lighthouses, Great Prices, Secure online ordering, Direct Delivery.
URL: http://amishbuiltlawndecor.com
Once you have placed a link on your site, please send an e-mail to glenn@amishbuiltlawndecor.com with the following info.
- A URL. To the page on your site where the link is located.
- Your title
- Your Description
- Your URL
- A Banner (optional)
We will review your site and if we feel your site is relevant to ours, and agree to the trade, we will link back to you. Qualifying sites will be given a reciprocal link in our links page with in 7 days.