The difference between canes and walking sticks
The difference between canes and walking sticks;by Glenn Mast
The difference between canes and walking sticks is in their function. Let’s take your conventional walking cane which is also known as the "Crook" is supposed to be leaned on with palms firmly pressed down to help take weight off your legs as you walk.
The Crook, also known as the "candy cane" is only one of the many designs in use today.
Instead of your conventional crook cane, some canes come with just a knob handle; or with no handle at all. Canes and walking sticks come in different sizes and lengths, and in many cases can be separated in to various pieces for portability. They both come designed for different occasions, like hiking. If you enjoy traveling up steep mountain cliffs, then you might enjoy a cane or walking stick with a rubber or metal hiking-spike or ferrule attached to help keep you from slipping when climbing. Another alternative to the warm weather hiking spike is the metallic cleat which is better designed to puncture hard ice in snowy climates. Witch in the past, has saved the lives of many climbers as it has reduced the dangers of falling on icy and steep-snowy cliffs.
The difference between canes and walking sticks is not just in their function, but how they make the individual feel about themselves, if it offers piece of mind and body through physical support, or looks great with your ensemble then a cane is the most ideal solution for the new and improved you.
You can use your cane all year-long with many accessories available to help improve your walking aid.
Author Resource: Glenn Mast is a successful business owner of a couple websites that offer Amish Handcrafted Products. His sites offer products and information about Amish Made Products & decor for your home, lawn or garden.