The Difference of Good and Bad Sounding Wind Chimes
The Difference of Good and Bad Sounding Wind Chimes By: Glenn Mast
You may hear a wind chime that sounds OK, and then there are wind chimes that you want to hear over and over again, because the sound is so pleasing and relaxing and just plain fun. Why do some produce the most pleasing sounds while others do not?
Tuning to the pan tonic scale of Middle C is the most pleasing sound to the human ear - no matter who hears it, they enjoy it. First the desired length is chosen and cut. Next the approximate nodal point is found. This is where the resonance carries the longest, and where the oscilloscope is mounted. Third, the column is physically struck to tell when it is in tune. The oscilloscope will register when the purest sound for the note is being produced. This is where the first hole is drilled. Continue to work from the largest column to smaller columns in this manner, and the wind chime will be perfectly tuned.
A set of wind chimes in perfect tune make playing a nursery rhyme tune like Mary Had a Little Lamb, simple, fun, and with a rich, full tone. The best material for making this beautiful harmonic tune is aluminum. These are the wind chimes that carry the sustained tones; and when perfectly tuned, will give the most pleasing sound to the human ear.
Author Resource: Glenn Mast is a successful business owner of a couple websites that offer Amish Handcrafted Products. His sites offer products and information about Amish Made Products & decor for your home, lawn or garden.